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 HomeTrainers Programme

The Training of Trainers Programme is a challenging experience, providing participants with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the ideas and principles of Dr. Maria Montessori and develop the skills to pass the knowledge gained to future generations of Montessori teachers.

1. Trainers-in-training can opt for one of three different formats. The training formats are not interchangeable.
2. Trainers-in-training are expected to participate in the Training of Trainers Programme on a full-time basis.
3. Regular assessments of the work done by the trainers-in-training are carried out by the Training Group.

Training Formats
Option 1: Full-time training on three academic-year courses.
Option 2: Full-time training on a combination of academic-year and summer courses for a total of three courses. Training may be followed primarily on summer courses with obligatory participation in at least one academic-year course.
Option 3:(Seminar format, occasionally given): Full-time training on two courses, combined with a series of seminars to be held over a period of 2 to 3 years. The seminars are equivalent, for the purpose of the Training of Trainers Programme, to attendance on one full training course. For details of plans for upcoming Seminars, please contact the Training Group.
The Training of Trainers Programme at the Assistants to Infancy level is carried out on summer courses only since, at the present time, the majority of those courses are given in a summer format.
Where Is The Training Programme Carried Out?
The trainer-in-training is assigned by the Training Group to an experienced Director of Training at an AMI Training Centre running a course for the age-level in question.
The Programme
The Training of Trainers Programme is composed of three parts.
Part 1 and Part 2 are followed at one and the same training centre.
Part 3 is followed at a different training centre.
Part 1 is a probationary period, during which the trainer-in-training audits all lectures, prepares written assignments and experiences the day-to-day aspects of a course.
Part 2 is an extension and consolidation of the work started at Part 1; the trainer-in-training finishes the written assignments, completes the Trainer’s Album and begins to lecture to the students.
Upon successful completion of Part 2, the trainer-in-training is granted Auxiliary Trainer status.
Part 3 allows the trainer-in-training to take on more responsibility for areas of training already covered. Lecturing skills are strengthened and the trainer-in-training is required to submit a number of research papers. This part is done at a second centre, under a different Director of Training.

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Conference Glasgow 2012
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